kitchener island
Kitchner's Island is locatd on an island in the middle of the Nile River in front of Aswan city, the island contains a rare collection of tropical plants.
Established by Lord Kitchener the English ruler n the year 1898 and made it a station to receive messages coming from Sudan. Its famous reputation is the presence of a rare collection of plants and flowers, and since the fifties the state pays special attention to the island as it became a place of pilgrimage tourism and entertainment.
Many tourists are keen to visit such a wonderful place during their Egypt Holidays or Egypt Day Tours, also there is many day tours in Aswan to enjoy visiting that charming attraction, either by getting on the island or by taking Felucca Tours in Aswan.
The park has three berths, one at the beginning of the park from the north and the second is in the middle and the third in the southern tip, The Park is divided into 27 basins, each one contains a different species and varieties of palm trees and shrubs. The park includes a museum and a cafeteria to serve visitors in addition to a water filter and pump station for irrigation.