
Temple of the Ramesseum was built by Ramses II the as a funerary Temple in 1304-1207 B.C, and it was dedicated to the God Ra. It is located in the Theban necropolis in Upper Egypt, across the River Nile from the modern city of Luxor. Ramses II was a 19th dynasty pharaoh of Egypt. He ruled for 67 years during the 13th century BC, the apogee of Ancient Egypt's power and glory.

Today, it is sadly only a few ruins: the pillars against which are set the statues of the pharaoh in the semblance of Osiris still remain on the façade of the hypostyle hall and what is left of the syenite statue of Ramses II seated on a thorne. Many other Kings have superimposed monuments in the Ramesseum such as Mernptah and Ramses III.
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